Submission Page For Reporting/Uploading a Resolution to the Department of Arizona Resolutions Committee Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.American Legion Post Originating this Resolution: *Post 1Post 2Post 3Post 4Post 5Post 6Post 7Post 8Post 9Post 10Post 11Post 12Post 13Post 14Post 15Post 16Post 17Post 19Post 22Post 23Post 24Post 25Post 26Post 27Post 28Post 29Post 30Post 31Post 32Post 34Post 35Post 36Post 37Post 39Post 40Post 41Post 42Post 43Post 44Post 45Post 46Post 49Post 50Post 51Post 52Post 53Post 54Post 56Post 57Post 58Post 59Post 60Post 61Post 62Post 64Post 65Post 66Post 68Post 69Post 70Post 72Post 73Post 75Post 76Post 78Post 79Post 80Post 81Post 84Post 86Post 87Post 88Post 89Post 90Post 91Post 93Post 94Post 95Post 96Post 97Post 100Post 101Post 102Post 103Post 105Post 107Post 108Post 109Post 111Post 112Post 113Post 114Post 115Post 117Post 122Post 123Post 124Post 125Post 126Post 128Post 129Post 130Post 131Post 132Post 133Post 134Post 135Post 136Post 137Post 138Post 139Post 140Post 141Post 142Post 143Post 144Post 145Post 146Post 147Post 2019Name of Commander or Adjutant Submitting this Resolution: *FirstMiddleLastLast 4 numbers of Submitting Parties' American Legion Member ID: *Please enter date approved at the Post: *MM123456789101112DD12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031YYYY20262025202420232022202120202019201820172016201520142013201220112010200920082007200620052004200320022001200019991998199719961995199419931992199119901989198819871986198519841983198219811980197919781977197619751974197319721971197019691968196719661965196419631962196119601959195819571956195519541953195219511950194919481947194619451944194319421941194019391938193719361935193419331932193119301929192819271926192519241923192219211920Has a copy been provided to any other Department Committee expected to review this Resolution/Commission? If Yes, please provide the name of contact below: *YesNoDepartment Committee/Commission expected to review this Resolution:ADVISORYAMERICAN LEGION COLLEGEAMERICAN LEGION RIDERSAMERICANISM COMMITTEEBASEBALL COMMITTEEBINGOBOYS STATECHILDREN AND YOUTHCITIZENS FLAG ALLIANCECLUBCOMMITTEE ON COMMITTEESCONSTITUTION & BYLAWS AND RESOLUTIONSCONVENTION AND CONFERENCECREDENTIALS COMMITTEEDEPARTMENT EXECUTIVE COMMITTEEMENEDUCATION & SCHOLARSHIPEMERGENCY RESPONSEEMPLOYMENTFINANCEHOMELESS VETSJUNIOR SHOOTING SPORTSLAW AND ORDERLAW ENFORCEMENT CAREER ACADEMYLEGISLATIVE COMMITTEEMEMBERSHIP & POST ACTIVITIESNATIONAL SECURITYORATORICALP.E.A.R.P.O.W./M.I.APHOENIX V.A.M.CPOST CREDENTIALSPRESCOTT V.A.M.C.PRESS ASSOCIATIONPUBLIC RELATIONSREHABILITATIONROTCS.A.L. LIAISONSCOUTINGSHOW LOW V.A.M.CTROPHY AND AWARD COMMITTEETUCSON V.A.M.CUNIFORM GROUP AND CONTESTV.A.V.S LIAISONVETERANS CEMETERYWOMEN VETERANS COORDINATORLITAMERICANISM COMMISSIONCHILDREN AND YOUTH COMMISSIONINTERNAL AFFAIRS COMMISSIONNATIONAL SECURITY COMMISSIONVETERANS AFFAIRS AND REHABILITATION COMMISSIONTitle of Resolution provided by the Originator. Please note Department Resolutions Committee may change the title for its purposes: *Please enter brief Resolve Description; i.e., one sentence stating the expected result. Please omit further descriptive resolutions: *Will an originating representative be available to the Resolutions Committee at the Resolutions Meeting during Convention? *YesNoMaybeA member of another Department Committee/Commission will attend the Resolutions Meeting on behalf of this Resolution.Please provide a contact number to assist with early questions about this Resolution: *File Upload Must Be in .pdf or .docx Format: * Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 5 files. The max files you can upload is five total per form. If you file upload falls into a different format please email the webmaster at [email protected] for clarification on how to submit your resolution.Upon submitting, the date/time will be logged for Committee use and the committee will receive your resolution the moment you submit this form. You will also receive a copy of this form proving submittal to the email address you provide in this block: *EmailConfirm EmailMy signature indicates that this information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand that this Resolution may be combined with another substantially similar Resolution by the Committee and that the earliest submitted version of such will be the main Resolution processed beyond such a combination: * Clear Signature Submit Please direct any questions to the Bylaws and Resolutions Committee using this button to send an email:Email the Resolutions Committee With A Question