SUSPENDED; The American Legion Department of Arizona Executive Committee, on advice of the Department Finance Committee and Membership Committee HAD authorized an American Legion Dues increase of $1.00 for each of the next five years for the Department of Arizona.
This measured increase is in planning for the next increase of National Dues expected on the horizon, as we move into our next 100 years.
THE ANNUAL INCREASES ARE SUSPENDED in Accordance with 2021 Resolution.
The increase for 2020 went into effect, July 15, 2019. Post Transmittals that were submitted by December 31, 2019 were honored at the then current rate of $27.00. Transmittals after January 1, 2020 were to be made at the new $28.00 rate. The authorized increase of $1.00 was to continue for each of the next 4 years, with starting dates of July 1 each year, in accordance with the authorization. Since July 1, 2020 the new rate to transmit to Department/National has been $29.00. July 1, 2021 the increase has been SUSPENDED until National Dues increase at some future date.
Please direct questions in writing to Some newer members will need to be reminded that The American Legion Membership year is Calendar-based. And, that we begin our renewal cycle 6 months early in order to provide our members plenty of time to renew and possess their ID Card for the entire next January through December period.