Please check out the various links in this article for all things JSSP related.
To follow the official notice released by the American Legion National program in regards to JSSP Club Registration 2024, please click the image or use this button:

For the brochure in regards to – Junior Shooting Sports – How to Start a Club, please click the brochure image or use this button:

For the latest news and all you need to know about the program from the National level, please use the image below or button:

To find this article at any time, please look on our main menu bar under “Programs: The Four Pillars” then go to “Pillar 3: Americanism” and you will find “Junior Shooting Sports (JSSP)”
Next is a photo on how to find the main menu dropdown:

For questions, comments, or concerns please contact the Department of Arizona JSSP Committee Chairman at [email protected] or use this button to send an email now: