What a great 2024 Commanders Northern Run!! We started at Post 78 in Dewey/Humboldt, and ended up back down at Post 90 in Black Canyon City, with stops along the way at Post 40 in Chino Valley,Post 6 in Prescott, Post 13 in Williams, Grand Canyon Post 42, Camp Verde Post 93. Commander Seehafers’ words of “Purpose & Relevance “really was his driving force for our Arizona Department Family. Serving each other and our veterans for the better good of the American Legion is our Purpose, it is in our service to the American Legion Programs, that provide Relevance. Boys State/Girls State, Alleca, Oratorical,Baseball and Scouting. These Programs also provide relevance for our four pillars, we hold dear.

Commander Seehafer was extremely impressed with all of the post he visited, and reminds us to always strive to “Be the One”. You just never know who’s path you may cross and that it is never an “accident”, because we all have purpose in this world, for me personally its unity.