Hello Get To Know Your Posts’ers
or, GTKYP’ers,
The 2019-2020 program preparation is underway.
Attached to this email is the information for GTKYP ||| Get To Know Your Post from the ALR Organizers for this project.
“As promised I am emailing out GTKYP 19-20, so you folks can put it on your agendas to vote. In November we will start taking payments with 31-Jan-19 be the last day to receive payments. The maps then will be designed with this year’s posts and sent to the printer by the end of February. We will mail out the stamps & maps by mid-March.
Please remember that this is a Post Family program and is not just for ALR. This program is about getting people off of “their” seats and go out and visit with other posts across the state. I have met many really kind and cool people in my travels over the past four years and I have a trip planned leaving Post 117 on 9-Nov-18 about 9am-ish and heading to southern Arizona to get 11 stamps. Get your Tombstone room reserved now if you plan on going.
Please have the GTKYP on your agendas at your next meetings whether it is: Legionnaire, AUX, SAL or ALR.
The dates on the attached documents are firm and we’re not able to stop the presses once they are going.
As always, I appreciate all those that participate and look forward to seeing you when I’m out making my rounds.”