March 28, 2025

Post Officer’s Report Form

Pursuant to the action of the 13th Annual National Convention of The American Legion at Detroit, Michigan, September 24, 1931, I have examined the service record of each of the following officials who have been duly elected to serve at this Post.

Or the location you normally host your General Membership meeting.
If Different Than The Physical Address

When an email is sent to, please list up to 3 emails that will receive the message.

Please remember this is only a delivery method. When you reply to the message you will be doing so from the email address you list below. Example address will be; [email protected], [email protected], etc.

Use the Add/Remove button below to add up to three people to your Post distro list.

Post Distro Recipient

This section begins your report of officers and their data.

Each Post is unique and positions vary.  Please choose the appropriate Officers that fit the layout of your Post.

Reminder, the Adjutant is the only required officer on this form since he/she is the one certifying each officer.  Only input what you need for the current year.

If Serial Number is SSN, do not change this box. It should read "SSN"

Using the buttons under each Officer's record, please add or remove as many Officer fields as you need.

If you require a position not in the drop down, please choose other/not listed and you will be asked to enter the name of the officer/position.

Officer Record

*if applicable*
The purpose of this information is to notify National HQ of your Squadron leadership as well as to add these two individuals to access.

I hereby certify that each of the above officials are eligible for membership in The American Legion and has the consequent right to serve in an official capacity.

Clear Signature

If you decide to use the save and resume feature, please insure you follow all steps to avoid losing data.

Upon submitting this form a copy will be delivered by email to the adjutant email address you provided in this form.
Save and Resume Later