March 14, 2025

Information for High Schools

Boys State Triple Logo

Arizona Boys State relies on Arizona’s high schools to help promote Boys State to their students, and to help select qualified and enthusiastic students to attend Boys State.  To assist schools in this process, step-by-step instructions, resources, and reminders will be sent to participating high schools at each stage of the recruiting process.  In many cases, high schools work with a local American Legion Post to recruit students for Boys State, with the Post providing additional resources and support. 

All Arizona high schools, whether public, charter, or private, are eligible to participate in Boys State.  In addition, home school students are invited to apply directly through the Boys State website to be added to the waitlist.   

Below is a high-level overview of the Boys State recruiting process.  More detailed information will be sent to participating high schools in early January.   

  1. Confirm your high school’s participation and update contact information.  Please complete the form below to confirm your high school’s participation in the 2025 Boys State program and update your contact information.  Participating high schools typically designate one faculty or staff member – such as a guidance counselor, social studies teacher, or principal – to take charge of Boys State matters at the school.
  1. Promote Boys State at your school.  Participating schools will be sent promotional materials that can be used to help identify interested students.  In addition, representatives from an American Legion Post or from Boys State staff may visit your school to speak to students about Boys State.  
  1. By March 1, 2025: Select students for Boys State.  Participating schools (sometimes working with an American Legion Post) are free to use any method they wish to select students for Boys State, such as faculty nominations, an essay or oratorical contest, or interview process.  
  1. By March 15, 2025: Selected students must register on the Boys State website.  Participating schools will be given a login code that students selected for Boys State can use to register on our website. The registration form will be available in January 2025.

Please complete the form below to confirm your school’s participation in Arizona Boys State 2025 and update your contact informationOnce this form is submitted, your school’s name will be added to the list of participating high schools (click here) on the Arizona Boys State website(Your individual contact information will not be listed.)

School Information

(grades 9–12, all genders)
(grade 11, all genders)

Contact Information

Please provide contact information for the faculty or staff member(s) who will be responsible for Boys State matters at your school.

Schools are encouraged to provide contact information for at least one additional faculty or staff member who can serve as an alternative point of contact for Boys State matters in case the primary contact is unavailablePlease note that if additional contacts are provided, the additional contacts will be copied on all Boys State-related emails.