March 14, 2025


SCOUTING, Wayne Chatfield, Chairman

Post sponsorship in the Scouting program has fallen off since 2018. At present there are 9 American Legion Posts in Areas A and B who are chartering scout units. They are Post 105, 145, 12, 3, 117, 126, 58, 44 and Post 72. The aforementioned Post are located in the Grand Canyon Council, BSA. There are 2 other Councils who are located in the State in the State of Arizona. Catalina Council in Area A the Only Post in that area is Post 109 which has a Pack and Troop. Also Las Vegas Council, which covers the Colorado River area. I was unable to receive a report of Legion Post chartering scout units in that Council.

What we as a committee would like to have more Post that would be willing to Charter scout units. Now that young ladies have become the Scouts we would like to see more Auxiliary units charter all girl units. The program is listed under The Family Planning forum. At present there are several girls that have made the rank of Eagle Scout since they became Scouts.

The American Legion is the largest VSO chartering more than 2,500 Scout units. Again we as a committee would like to see more Legion participation in the State. It’s good for the Legion and good for all participants. We as veterans can make the program work.