There is no doubt about it, Facebook is in the hands of the majority of Legionnaires in this Department.
When information is distributed these days the fastest and cheapest way to deliver the content is through digital delivery.
The webpage articles are posted in this sequence:
- To the webpage
- Automatically to the Department Facebook Page
- Manually to all 13 Groups (3x Area’s and 10x District’s)
- At 1500 daily an email is sent to 531 mailboxes (Every Post Adjutant, Post Commander, and Department Officer/Committee/Program Member) containing anything posted to the webpage that day.
- At 1000 each Sunday the weeks post’s to the website are delivered to the same 531 individuals.
There is no doubt that there has been an increase in information flow with the new website, however we can always do better.
Here is how we stand as far as our Facebook Groups below the Department level. Remember all of these groups have been receiving information posted in them from the Department’s Page.
- Area A’s Group Page 470 members
- District 2’s Group Page 3 members
- District 3’s Group Page 151 members
- District 4’s Group Page 3 members
- District 5’s Group Page 4 members
- Area B’s Group 8 members
- District 1’s Group Page 29 members
- District 11’s Group Page 3 members
- District 12’s Group Page 5 members
- Area C’s Group 8 members
- District 6’s Group Page 5 members
- District 7’s Group Page 3 members
- District 8’s Group Page 4 members
Open the graphics of how many followers are in each group.
Now that you see where we stand, we hope you will take time to promote these public groups so that information flow can be maximized.
An easier way to navigate and find these Groups can be found here:
You can also navigate to the Department Page at: https://www.facebook.com/ArizonaLegion and then click on “More” followed by “Groups” on the top bar under the cover photo.
Please consider getting your members involved by sharing these pages with your Post’s.
Please email the webmaster with any questions at: