March 14, 2025

Department Membership Committee Meeting

13 Members met on July 18, 2021


1)  Reminders going out with Notification of Post/Squadron Commanders & Adjutants scan and send it to [email protected] ASAP. This is needed to update our directory before the National Convention next month.

2) Legion Baseball- Week of &/19/2021- Mon/Tue/Wed- 6:30PM, Paradise Valley Highschool (Phoenix) 

3) Reminder to sign up on if you haven’t. Be patient, there are a lot of bugs.

4) LEADERS- Reminded to all to get online training complete and start looking to attend one of the Department of Arizona American Legion College. This is a 3 day class coming up. The next one is in Yuma (10-11-12 Sep 2001) focused in Southern AZ for easier reach for those members. Submission packet due to Department NLT October 27, 2021.

5) Training Tuesday is on

6) Please report your National IT Problems by email to [email protected]

7) District Commanders- were asked for a status of Consolidated Post Report (CPR)’s submissions.

8) If your Post would like to do a Post Revitalization please contact me. This will help the Posts that did not meet their membership goal last year.  Retention, Retention, Retention… Get them interested or to possibly chair one of the many programs at your Posts

9) If you need to make a copy of someone’s DD 214 please redact some of their name and Serial or SSN (help prevent identity theft)

10) Every Post should have a Post Service Officer. Contact the Department Vice Commander of your Area if you need help with their training (In a Service Officer’s absence, the mission rests on the Post Commander) to help the Vet.

11) The Department is starting new training soon for Post Finance Officers.

12) Last year’s Virtual Membership Program is on: there are 8 audio and PPT presentations.

13) Sexual Harassment slides will be available soon to help train your Officers and members.

14) Changes to the Arizona American Legion Riders activity will highlight more Area-wide communication – these will basically line up with other American Legion Family Activity.