ADHS continually reviews and assesses its existing guidelines and emergency measures enacted to help control the spread of COVID-19 in order to protect the health of all Arizonans and minimize the impact that the public health emergency due to COVID-19 is having on Arizonans and Arizona businesses.
In that regard, what follows is a notice regarding (1) changes made to certain reopening guidelines concerning measures necessary to enable certain businesses to operate parlor games, and (2) a reminder that all businesses that hold a liquor license and are physically located in Arizona—whatever series that license may be—must file an attestation or application and continue to follow any applicable guidelines.
1. Update to the Guidelines Permitting Parlor and Bar Games
The guidelines applicable to liquor-licensed restaurants, bars, and nightclubs providing dine-in service have been updated to include those conditions under which an establishment can allow patrons to participate in parlor or bar games. These new guidelines will be effective as of 12:01 a.m. on Friday, October 23, 2020 [date]. The updated guidelines pertaining to the commencement of parlor or bar games can be found in the ADHS Requirements for Liquor Licensed Restaurants, Bars, and Nightclubs Providing Dine-in Services Document on pages 10 and 11.
Impacted businesses that have already filled out an attestation: Those impacted businesses who have already filed an attestation do not need to file another attestation in order to commence parlor or bar games. Such businesses need only abide by the relevant guidelines as promised when those businesses submitted an attestation.
Impacted businesses that have not filled out an attestation: Those impacted businesses who have not filed an attestation can do so in order to reopen, remain open, and commence parlor or bar games. Instructions and details concerning the attestation process can be found on the ADHS Attestation webpage.
Impacted businesses that are unable to fill out an attestation (i.e. the county does not meet the benchmarks for reopening): Those impacted businesses who either cannot or will not file an attestation or filed an application that did not include a plan for safely commencing parlor or bar games, must file an application—which ADHS must approve—in order to commence parlor or bar games. Instructions on the application process can be found on the ADHS Application webpage.
2. A Reminder That All Businesses Located In Arizona And Holding A Liquor License Must Abide By Emergency Measure 2020-02
ADHS takes its mandate to protect the health and welfare of all Arizonans very seriously. Pursuant to Emergency Measure 2020-02, all businesses that hold a liquor license, regardless of the series of that license, must submit an attestation. If an establishment is unable to do so, they must file an application to reopen or remain open and obtain ADHS approval to do so. This includes any type of business that holds a liquor license, such as (a) restaurants that traditionally hold series 6, 7, 12 or other liquor licenses, (b) private clubs or organizations that traditionally hold a series 14 or other liquor licenses, and (c) any other business of any type physically located in Arizona and holding a liquor license.
Any business physically located in Arizona and holding a liquor license that fails to abide by these requirements may be subject to action against that business’ liquor license, including suspension of that license by the Arizona Department of Liquor Licenses and Control.
ADHS urges all businesses physically located in Arizona and holding a liquor license to review (or revisit) the relevant guidelines and ensure compliance with the requirements.
Links to the guidelines and other information can be found on the ADHS Workplace and Community Locations website. Any business that fails to abide by Emergency Measure 2020-02 does so to its detriment and runs the risk of adverse action.
ADHS appreciates the mitigation strategies that our restaurants, bars, and nightclubs have put into place to keep Arizonans safe during this pandemic. You can find more information on our website at azhealth.gov.
Thank you,
Arizona Department of Health Services
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