Welcome American Legion Family, and distinguished guest to The American Legion Department of Arizona 103rd Convention. Our year has been full of excitement and sadness, as we lost many of our friends, family members, and our mentors. Let us take a moment to remember them and focus on the positive.
Over the last year, I have had the upmost pleasure working with our American Legion Family coming together as ONE TEAM, having ONE GOAL with ONE HEART and ONE SOUL. Through that mission, it allowed us to continue to be a beacon of light in our communities, with our PASSION FOR OUR PROGRAMS leading the way.
Over the last year, as a Legion Family, we accomplished,
- Our Legislative Committee worked with the Arizona Legislature to support three bills that benefit our communities.
- We conducted a department-wide Buddy Check, a program created by former National Commander Bill Oxford.
- We as a legion family traveled and engaged with veterans on many of the Native American Reservations within our great state of Arizona.
- With dedicated passion our legion family upholding our pillar of Americanism assisted in the raising of over three hundred thousand dollars Scouting of America.
- We are in the preliminary stages of building a Woman Veterans Center, which will also be a leading example for many other departments throughout our American Legion.
- The beginning of our Legion Baseball season, which produced twenty teams this year, along with the creation of six junior teams. As I strike the gavel tonight, a game will be underway up North in the valley
We also chartered two new American legion posts with the aid of multiple posts throughout the state.
Legion Family, you have been busy. You continued to serve our nation. For that, I am honored to be your Department Commander, and I truly boast about all that our Arizona Legion Family has done and continues to do.
Without them and their sacrifice, our Legion Family would not be what it is today.
Today, is when we must all come together as one team with one goal, to retain membership and recruit new family members. This will mold and shape our next generation of leaders to strengthen our American Legion.
Please have safe and successful convention and enjoy our time together as friends and family.
Let us remember our troops who stand watch along with our first responders in harm’s way, and our comrades who cannot be with us.
God bless The American Legion and
God bless America
Benjamin “Coach “Headen
Your Department Commander