Members of the Department of Arizona American Legion Family,
We will not be able to meet in person for Fall Conference 2020.
If you did not receive this announcement via the email you believe Department Headquarters has, please reply to hdqtrs and ask to be added to the regular email announcements list if you wish.
Convention Chairman Cox has recommended to the Department of Arizona Executive Committee for the cancellation of in-Person Fall Conference for the following reasons.
· The property at DoubleTree cannot allow us to hold our Conference under the current circumstances.
· There is no alternate location logistically possible at this late date.
· An alternate way to hold Conference is also recommended to the Chairpersons of each Department Committee.
Commander Queen called for the vote to recognize the need to cancel in-Person Conference and instead use the following plan as adjusted for best success by each Committee.
Fall Conference 2020 will be conducted in mind of following the mandates of the Governor’s Office. For the best safety of all involved, the following plan will help us to complete our organization’s minimum requirements for meeting.
Please review this general plan to replace the 2020 Fall Conference which has now been cancelled.
Department Announcements will be made online and by other practical means to reach the membership. Leaders, especially Department Chairpersons please ensure this is shared for information and action by your responsible committee members.
· The remote meetings will be described
· Dates announced by Chairpersons through one Department online resource.
· Details will be posted on 1bv.e99.myftpupload.com and pinned to main page.
If you are not a committee member please request Guest access to receive an invitation
from the committee as permitted by the Chairman. Their email addresses can be found in the Department Directory
Three teleconferences (at reimbursable cost to each organizer) will be held instead.
· Regular Committee Meetings
· Department Conference Meetings
· Department Executive Committee Meeting
Regular Committee meetings will be conducted via teleconference.
· The Chairperson of each committee will organize their own meeting with their members.
· The Chairperson may query their members regarding an in-person meeting abiding by safe rules, at a mutual location/Post and some members may still attend remotely as needed.
· Collect the information to be shared at the Department Conference Meeting. These meetings will be held on their agreed upon date, not earlier than _________ and not later than The Department Conference Meeting convenes on ____________
· Reports to be presented are to be submitted to Department Headquarters to be published for membership in one Department online resource.
The Department Conference Meeting will be teleconference held after the last Regular Committee meets and not later than __________.
· The Officers of the Department Executive Committee will be invited to the Department Conference Meeting to HEAR REPORTS before breaking for the next meeting immediately called at the end of the Conference Meeting. (after bio-break)
· Awards will be announced and distributed as practical in the weeks surrounding, in the most convenient way.
The Department Executive Committee will convene via Zoom for
· The disposition of resolutions deferred from Department Convention 2020
· Announcements and other news as may be needed.
· General announcements will be made to close this Department Executive Committee.
· Zoom will be used for this meeting in order to collect necessary minutes.
o Phone only zoom will be available.
o Attendees are reminded that Executive portions of all meetings are Corporate Confidential and sharing of access or information is prohibited except by written request to the Chairperson of each Committee to include the use of any information obtained.
· The regular Sweepstakes drawing will be held in December 2020 via remote and winners announced and paid in accordance with regular Department procedures.
The details about this Conference, if not listed above, are still I development and will be posted at 1bv.e99.myftpupload.com.
Thank you all for your patience and understanding.
Angel Juarez
State Adjutant
Arizona American Legion
(602) 264-7706 Fax (602) 264-0029
"Ora et labora et lege; Deus adest sine mora”. (Pray and work and read, God is there without delay)
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