Arizona Department of Veterans’ Services VDF Large Grant Cycle ($5,000 to $75,000) is Open With a Pre-Application Conference Available!
The Arizona Veterans’ Donation Fund (VDF), pursuant to A.R.S. § 41-608, funds programs that benefit Veterans and their families throughout Arizona through the issuance of grants to Local Governments, Native American Tribes, and Non-Profits for planning programs/projects/events that benefit Arizona Veterans and their families. The VDF Large Grant, is a supplemental source of funding that supports projects/programs/events that meet with ADVS objectives of:
Veteran Employment Veteran Health/Mental Health Legal Women/Minority Veteran Specific Issues Veteran Homelessness Transportation; or Social Determinants of Health Since the creation of the VDF in 1999, ADVS has proudly supported numerous organizations across the state who are providing direct services to Arizona Veterans and their families for legal services, rapid rehousing, emergency financial assistance and transportation assistance just to name a few.
Please visit the VDF website for more information and instructions on how to apply:
VDF Large Grant Cycle Please see the information below and if you are interested in attending the pre-application conference, send your RSVP with an indication of whether you will be attending in person or virtually to [email protected] by November 1, 2022. A calendar invite will be sent out on November 2, 2021, with both the in-person and virtual meeting information.
- Opening Date: October 25, 2022, at 5:00pm
- Closing Date: December 16, 2022, at 5:00pm.
- Pre-Application Conference: for an opportunity to ask questions and receive information about the VDF Large Grant Application Requirements.
- Conference Date: November 4, 2022,
- Conference Time: 11:00am to 12:00pm Introductions, Review of VDF Application Instructions, Review of how to navigate eCivis, Questions and Answers
- Conference Location:
- In-Person Option: Arizona Department of Veterans’ Services, 3839 N. 3rd, Bushmaster Conference Room, 2nd Floor
- Virtual Option: Google Meet