Boys State Post Donation Form Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Arizona Boys State – Post Donation Form The American Legion Posts play a critical role in ensuring the success of The American Legion Arizona Boys State. The staff of Arizona Boys State would like to thank the Posts for contributing so much of their time, money, and other resources to Boys State over the decades. Posts can complete this form to make a donation to Arizona Boys State. Thank you for your critical contributions to the program! Post InformationName *FirstLastCell Phone *Alternate PhoneEmail *EmailConfirm EmailEntity Providing SupportTALSALAuxPost Number *Please choose your Post # here!Post 1Post 2Post 3Post 4Post 5Post 6Post 7Post 8Post 9Post 10Post 11Post 12Post 13Post 14Post 15Post 16Post 17Post 19Post 22Post 23Post 24Post 25Post 26Post 27Post 28Post 29Post 30Post 31Post 32Post 34Post 35Post 36Post 37Post 39Post 40Post 41Post 42Post 43Post 44Post 45Post 46Post 49Post 50Post 51Post 52Post 53Post 54Post 56Post 57Post 58Post 59Post 60Post 61Post 62Post 64Post 65Post 66Post 68Post 69Post 70Post 72Post 73Post 75Post 76Post 78Post 79Post 80Post 81Post 84Post 86Post 87Post 88Post 89Post 90Post 91Post 93Post 94Post 95Post 96Post 97Post 100Post 101Post 102Post 103Post 105Post 107Post 108Post 109Post 111Post 112Post 113Post 114Post 115Post 117Post 122Post 123Post 124Post 125Post 126Post 128Post 129Post 130Post 131Post 132Post 133Post 134Post 135Post 136Post 137Post 138Post 139Post 140Post 141Post 142Post 143Post 144Post 145Post 146Post 147Post 2019Squadron Number *Please choose your Squadron # here!Squadron 1Squadron 2Squadron 3Squadron 4Squadron 5Squadron 6Squadron 7Squadron 9Squadron 11Squadron 12Squadron 13Squadron 14Squadron 15Squadron 16Squadron 19Squadron 22Squadron 24Squadron 25Squadron 26Squadron 27Squadron 28Squadron 29Squadron 30Squadron 32Squadron 34Squadron 35Squadron 36Squadron 37Squadron 39Squadron 40Squadron 41Squadron 42Squadron 44Squadron 52Squadron 54Squadron 56Squadron 57Squadron 58Squadron 59Squadron 61Squadron 62Squadron 65Squadron 66Squadron 68Squadron 69Squadron 78Squadron 79Squadron 81Squadron 86Squadron 87Squadron 88Squadron 90Squadron 91Squadron 93Squadron 95Squadron 97Squadron 100Squadron 105Squadron 107Squadron 109Squadron 117Squadron 125Squadron 129Squadron 131Squadron 132Squadron 134Squadron 138Squadron 140Squadron 144Unit NumberThis field accepts numbers only.Your Role at Your Post (e.g., Post Commander, Adjutant)Are you the primary contact at your Post for Boys State matters? *YesNoWho will be the primary contact at your Post for Boys State matters? Name *FirstLastCell Phone *Alternate PhoneEmail *EmailConfirm EmailRole at Your Post *Donation InformationPlease note that we will make best efforts to allocate your donation as you specify below. However, Boys State reserves the right to reallocate donated funds as we determine to be in the best interests of Boys State. My Post would like to: Sponsor one or more students without a Post sponsor ($425 per student).YesAmount of donation: Minimum Price: $10.00Please select an option:I would like these funds to be used to sponsor a student who is located near my Post if possible.These funds can be used to sponsor any student across Arizona that needs a sponsor.Pay the student portion of the tuition fee ($225) for one or more students who cannot afford to pay.YesAmount of donation: Minimum Price: $10.00I would like the student(s) to be notified that my Post is providing financial aid.YesMake a general donation to Boys State (in any amount).YesAmount of donation:Minimum Price: $10.00Pay the sponsorship amount for one or more students my Post is sponsoring (typically $425 per student) .YesNumber of delegates sponsoring:One Delegate - $425.00Two Delegates - $850.00Three Delegates - $1,275.00First name of the delegate you are sponsoring:Last name of the delegate you are sponsoring:School name of the delegate you are sponsoring:First name of the delegate you are sponsoring: Last name of the delegate you are sponsoring: School name of the delegate you are sponsoring: First name of the delegate you are sponsoring: Last name of the delegate you are sponsoring:School name of the delegate you are sponsoring:Payment InformationTotal Donation Amount (sum of your selections above).Please note that Boys State’s 501(c)(3) status is pending, and donations may not be tax deductible.I would like to donate through: *Debit/Credit CardCheck/Money OrderDonations may be made by check made payable to Arizona Boys State and mailed to: The American Legion Department of Arizona 4701 N. 19th Avenue, Suite 200 Phoenix, AZ 85015 Include the electronic processing fee in my total so that the program receives my full donation.YesElectronic Processing FeePrice: $0.00Credit/Debit Card *CardName on CardCardholder's Name *FirstLastCardholder's Email *EmailConfirm EmailTotal$0.00Comment or Message Submit