Calling All Adjutants- Your Yearly Post Officer Report
Over the last year we have tested a new feature on azlegion.org that will allow you to input your Post Officer Report onto our webpage. What was once three separate forms will now be completed in one simple to use fill-in web form. The best part about it is that we forward your data to the National HQ for uploading into Mylegion.org without anyone re-typing your forms. This reduces spelling errors when someone else translates the hundreds of reports sent in each year. It will reduce postage, printing, and time spent on delivery. It will speed up the process of getting your new officers the permissions they need to accomplish the mission.
Each report is to be filled out by the Post Adjutant. Within the form, we will ask for three forwarding addresses to either create or update your post distro emailing list. This is an official email on our domain server you can use for print material and other official matters. When created/updated, the email address will be, for example [email protected]. By using this email address, the sender’s message will be delivered to up to three email addresses you supply on the form. You cannot send from this address as it is not a mailbox, however each year the Adjutant will update the address so your Post will never have to re-print business cards, fliers, etc.; emails will never be lost or sent to your old officers at the start of the new year again. This is optional but a huge benefit to you that is already in use in the Department with many successes.
When the Adjutant places his/her email address on the online form, the moment the submit button is hit, he/she will receive a copy of the form. The form will also be stored in our forms database and delivered to the [email protected] distro list for visibility by the Department Adjutant and his staff. The Webmaster will digitally submit these entries to the National HQ who has already programmed their databases to upload the data from ours.
With this yearly form comes a new page titled, Post Guide. The Post Guide improves over time based on new features, suggestions from you, and guidance from the Department Executive Committee. These links are meant to aid you in your mission at the Post level. This is the parent page to find the most active forms of what you need as well as the yearly report form.
We are excited to introduce these tools to you and we cannot stress enough how important it is that we move to a mostly digital concept. The value of online forms surpasses anything a paper form can do for us when considering 120 active Posts and 10 Districts across this great state.
Several Posts have already completed this year’s forms and we are happy to report that there have been no issues thus far. Should you find yourself needing assistance, please reach out to the Webmaster at:
Without further ado, please click this button or navigate to our main menu at: Resources and Forms, Post Guide.