Join us 10/26, 4p-8p at Unexpected, to celebrate our American Legion centennial featuring, The Miracles https://www.themiraclesmusic.com/events/american-legion-benefit/
The public is welcome of course! So many of you who aren’t members of our organization but support our work have been there for us over the decades. We hope you can stop in and help us celebrate all of our collaborations in helping our Veterans and the youth of Arizona.
734 W Polk St, Phoenix, AZ, 85007. Address looks familiar?
Afterwards, we stroll across the street to American Legion Post 1 and kick off their celebrations that start at 8pm; 364 N. 7th Avenue, Phoenix, AZ
Please pass this along.
Proceeds benefit our Arizona programs of course! So even if you can’t make it, please consider buying tix to give to friends so that they can enjoy the show and gathering. https://district11-12centennial.yapsody.com/event/index/419416/az-district-11-12-legion-centnnial
I do pray I’ll see YOU there!
Thank you so very much!