From: VA News <>
Date: March 25, 2020 at 6:16:21 PM MST To: Angel Juarez <> Subject:Coronavirus resources, Virtual appeals hearings, National Vietnam War Veterans Day is March 29 Reply-To:
Coronavirus resources, Virtual appeals hearings, National Vietnam War Veterans Day is March 29
Veterans have multiple resources for COVID-19 information, These five educational programs can help boost your VA career application
#VetResources – for Veterans, their Families, Caregivers and Survivors
Veterans have multiple resources for COVID-19 information
Veterans have multiple resources available for the latest COVID-19 or coronavirus information, from the overall Federal government response to VA resources, rumor control, CDC information, state resource listings and more.
A video message for Veterans from Dr. Richard Stone, VHA Executive in Charge: VA is here for Veterans during COVID-19
VA has always been here for Veterans—and we will continue to be here for you during the COVID-19 crisis. Whether you need a prescription, telemedicine or in-person care, you can rely on VA.
Watch this message from Dr. Richard Stone, Executive in Charge of the Veterans Health Administration and a former U.S. Army combat physician. For the latest VA updates on COVID-19, visit
Using video telehealth appointments, you can connect with your VA care teams from anywhere, without traveling and exposing yourself, your family and other Veterans to COVID-19.
VA Video Connect enables you and your VA care team to conduct secure, real-time video visits using the camera on your phone, computer or tablet.
Board of Veterans Appeals now holding virtual hearings
Veterans now have the option to participate in their Board of Veterans Appeals hearing from the comfort of their own home.
With nationwide availability of virtual hearing technology, Veterans have greater access to Board hearings–and more choice and control in their appeals process.
Independence@Home offers free assistance to Veterans
Independence@Home is a virtual emergency program supporting catastrophically disabled Veterans, caregivers and their families.
The non-profit will assist with costs like rent, utilities, childcare, transportation, household cleaning and upkeep, grocery and medical product delivery and streaming services for work and learning.
Borne the Battle #187: Darlene Iskra-Groundbreaker
A groundbreaker for women, Darlene Iskra is the first woman to command a U.S. Navy ship. She’s currently an ambassador for the Women In Military Service For America Memorial.
Through her work, she hopes to help Americans discover the military women who have fought for our country.