4th of July message from the Department Commander, Steve Sperl

My Fellow Legion Family-
On July 4, 1776, the Second Continental Congress ratified the Declaration of Independence and founded our Nation as “free and independent states.” This freedom was based on a fundamental truth that all are created equal and endowed with unalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Although we declared our independence in 1776, the Revolutionary War raged until 1783, claiming the lives of thousands of Americans.
The end of the Revolutionary War did not mark the end of the fight for our freedom. Every generation of Americans has been called to join the fight for the preservation of our Nation and our freedoms. Our generation is no different.
“For the Nation” is the second Pillar of our organization (National Security) and serves to remind us of that eternal charge. Though our focus is on distinct missions such as supporting our troops, size of the armed forces, and homeland security. The connection is securing our way of life and the freedoms that we have become used to. This is a responsibility for all to ensure that our United States of America endures.
As we celebrate Independence Day, please enjoy the time with family and friends. For those standing the watch, you have our thanks for pulling duty so others may celebrate. Be safe and know that we are always honored to stand by your side, but even more so on our Nation’s birthday… Off We Go!
Remember there are “NO BAD DAYS”
For God and Country-
Steve Sperl
Department of Arizona