We are proud to inform you that the issue causing firewall blocks has been fully resolved.
After working between a contracted software company we use, and the firewall team from our hosting company it was identified a feature within the software was triggering a block at the firewall because the traffic passing through the webserver was not trusted.
This feature has been disabled allowing all users to regain normal access to the site.
We apologize for the frustration and limitations this may have caused you. We kindly ask that you spread the word that the issue is resolved in hopes of bringing back any members who were previously blocked.
Moving forward, the Webmaster has created an IT ticket form so that you may engage us with issues, concerns, or suggestions in a simplified way. Please use this form to open a ticket with the Webmaster.
This form can also be found on the main menu under contact us.
Frank Hirrill
Department Webmaster and IT Advisor