Fellow Adjutants, please download this posting below and brief it to your members during correspondence at your next general membership meeting. Help me get the word out to the members please!
Hello Mindful Member,
Please stop marking our emails as spam. You gave us your email as a member here. If you want off the list, just unsubscribe.
When you mark us as spam, you ruin this information feed for others who want to get information from us this way.
If you are an officer in your Post, you may be dumping information that members need or at least want.
This is nicely put here to make sure this message gets out. We aren’t immediately notified when we are
blocked. We find out days after having sent information and beyond so that some information only looks like it went out. Please don’t be the person who is marking us as spam. Just today, we have begun warning our members/officers about the latest real scam targeting our members.
For God and Country,
Angel Juarez
Department Adjutant
More Technical explanation from the Webmaster:
We used a part of your membership dues to fund this project; to secure a subscription with Mailpoet that allows us to send tens of thousands of emails to all the members using a subscription-based plugin installed into our webserver. Mailpoet is an email sending service that must follow spam laws.
When you click the “Report Spam” button in your email, it sends a report back to them that we may be violating spam laws. Once a certain percentage of emails is reported, the system automatically turns us off until an investigation is complete. The response time for a trouble ticket with Mailpoet is 48 hours. Usually multiple messages are needed, so you can see where it becomes lengthy in terms of getting our service back on.
In our first message for this service, we explained how to change your subscription. Once again, if you wish to unsubscribe, all you must do is uncheck all the options, and you will be unsubscribed; since you did not select any emails to receive.
In the membership privacy policy of the American Legion that you agree to when signing up or you pay your dues, once you provide us with your email, you allow us to send emails until such time as you tell us that you do not wish to receive further emails. Once again, unsubscribing is the way to opt out, not by reporting spam, which is an abuse report.
Please reach out for help if you are receiving emails, do not wish to, and do not understand the process of unsubscribing.
We have not and will not send emails to anyone who unsubscribes. Once you do this you are automatically removed from all email mailing lists.
I look forward to communicating with you more should you need help navigating this system.
Frank Hirrill
Department Webmaster