Today our Webmaster escalated a higher level support ticket to the firewall team at our host company due to numerous users still being unable to access all or parts of the website.
Due to the amount of attempted attacks on a daily basis it is out of the question to shut down our firewall.
Please be patient with the site as we work through the escalation process to get this matter resolved.
As a workaround, should you be blocked; please delete your browsers cookies and do not return to the same page on our site that blocked you. This issue does not affect the entire site but once you access certain areas, the entire page will be blocked until you delete your browser cookies.
Angel Juarez
State Adjutant
Arizona American Legion
(602) 264-7706 x103 Fax (602) 264-0029
Email: [email protected]
“Ora et labora et lege; Deus adest sine mora”. (Pray and work and read, God is there without delay)
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If you are a Servicemember, Reservist, Guardsman or Veteran in crisis:
Please call the Military and Veterans Crisis Line 1-800-273-8255 PRESS 1
or visit www.veteranscrisisline.net/get-help/military-crisis-line
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