From the Adjutant’s Desk – Needed in the Community
I’m going to try and move any mountain I need to, on an assist for efforts like this young man’s.
Here is the caliber of young men/women who work to come to our Americanism Programs.
What is the caliber of Post they are finding?
To wit: “Good morning. My name is “—–” and I was a late applicant for the Boys State program.
I learned about the program over Easter weekend from my cousin who participated last year.
I applied for the wait-list because I also learned that my school has never done a recommendation for
Boys State before and they are now on the wait-list to nominate someone next year.
I also reached out to my local American Legion in “—–,”
but the person who responded said that they didn’t know anything about the program.
I recognize that my chances are slim because the nomination process is done and most, if not all participants,
have been notified of their status, but I would love to be considered for the opportunity if space becomes available.
I only included my unweighted grade point average on my application,
but my weighted GPA is a 3.8 due to my dual enrollment at Arizona State University and honors classes.
My anticipated overall GPA at the end of this semester is expected to rise to a 3.6 unweighted and a 4.1 weighted GPA.
I appreciate the opportunity to be on the wait-list and thank you for your time.” –
Back to me.
I’m a member like you but I happen to be our Arizona Boys State Executive Officer.
I’ll find room for youth like this.
If you’re a Post leader who somehow hasn’t gotten instruction for sponsoring High School Juniors from your area or beyond;
If you don’t have a nearby candidate; please go to https://azlegion.org/boysstate/ and guide yourself and possibly High School Counselors over one of the link buttons there including https://azlegion.org/boysstate/apply/.
The students who have already been recommended have a password and they enter the portals at https://azlegion.org/register/.
And please keep in mind that the summer after HS Junior year is their only chance to come to our program.
Maybe we can introduce you to these wait listed students.
The top performers at Arizona Boys State make it to Boys Nation.
The Top performers there can attain thousands of Dollars in College Scholarships!
Finally, yes, we also consider Charter School and Home Schooled youth of commensurate age/maturity.