Good Day Legion Family!
I hope this message finds you well. Like many other AZ legionnaires, I have just returned from attending the 103rd National Convention of our American Legion, which took place in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. This was my first full convention, and what a great honor to attend and represent you and our department as your Department Commander. Thank you for that honor.
The Department of Arizona was well represented and there are some amazing things to come in our Legion future. First, I congratulate our new National Commander, Jim Troiloa, on being elected to lead the greatest Veteran Service Organization in the world, along with our new National Vice Commanders, to include our Western Region Vice Commander, Doug Urig and all other Officers of this veteran-centric organization.
One of the biggest take-aways from this Convention, for me, was building connections, and how important networking is within our Legion Family throughout the country. The ideas, visions and decisions made that impact our Veterans, membership and community are vital to our success. The greatest take away though, is the roll-out of our new campaign “BE THE ONE”. If you haven’t seen the stories, or why this is so important, I strongly encourage you to do so. The reality is simple, Legion Family, the BE THE ONE campaign is designed to save lives, and if we all start living this every day, we will positively impact our community and nation. If we start discussing this at Post Meetings, gatherings, at home, or with a friend over a beer, we will put an end to veteran suicide. BE THE ONE is about our Legion putting an end to Veteran Suicide. Twenty-Two veterans a day make a permanent decision to a temporary problem. Twenty-Two! Think about that — then realize that every time our Legion Family has decided to do something, whether its getting Congress to act, building a program from scratch that mentors our nations youth, or authoring a national set of rules for our beloved American Flag, when The American Legion deduced to do it, WE DID IT. Every time, and I mean every time our Legion Family decided to wade into a battle, we have won! It’s time The American Legion stand up and put an end to Veteran Suicide.
To that end, please BE THE ONE
For me, and I am sure like you, BE THE ONE has always been, and will continue to be, what drives us to be leaders in this organization and within our community. To be there for others, and makes us strive to BE THE ONE who changes a life, saves a life or is just there to listen. We have to continually work for our Veterans and push our Legislators just as we have with the recently passed PACT Act. To learn more about BE THE ONE, and for Post resources, please visit legion.org/betheone
It was amazing to see the entire Legion Family come together and get the business of why we exist done. Additionally, we celebrated our Sons of the American Legion’s 50th birthday. The Sons have a huge impact on what we do and accomplish, and I am grateful and proud to be a SON, in addition to being a Legionnaire! That said, every element of our Legion Family is critical, from the Auxiliary to the Riders, every member is critical to our success.
As the Convention wrapped up I found a even bigger sense of pride and belonging because of the people I am surrounded by, because of YOU. This is going to be a GREAT year for our Department of Arizona and The American Legion!
Mike Simon
Department Commander
The American Legion, Department of Arizona