GREETINGS LEGIONNAIRES. You may recall that last year we participated in a Scouting Fundraiser that accumulated over $300,000 due to the matching contributions of a very generous philanthropist. Well, that gentleman has offered to repeat his GOOD WILL from 2021.
WE NEED 500 Donors to give at least $5-20 (preferably more) to the cause.
DEADLINE IS TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 29. If we get 500 donors OR MORE, he will donate $100,000 to the Grand Canyon BSA Council to help with programs, facilities, and operations expenses.
In addition, our generous contributor will personally match every dollar we donate as The American Legion, Department of Arizona.
To make it easy this year, instead of the reams of paper and forms we used last year, you can easily donate electronically. HOW?
1. Scan the QR Code provided below and fill in the blanks on the electronic form, OR
2. Click on this LINK:
3. If you are unable to donate electronically, send me a check for the amount you desire to donate by THANKSGIVING DAY (Note 24th) and I will hand deliver it to the Council offices when received (planning on November 29th—Giving Tuesday).
- Make check to Grand Canyon Council, BSA
- Mail check to: Gary A Vaughan, 27972 N. 102nd Lane, Peoria, AZ 85383.
- Annotate in remarks: BSA Giving Tuesday, and INCLUDE YOUR POST NUMBER
If you live outside of the Grand Canyon Council boundaries, (basically “most of Area A”) watch this site for a similar fundraiser coming for Scout units in the Tucson/Southern AZ area. NOTE: Casa Grande is in the Grand Canyon Council for Scouting even though it falls in Area A).
If you have questions, please contact me at [email protected]
If you ever want to see what your generous donations are providing for our Arizona youth, let me know and I’ll take you on a tour.
THANK YOU FOR HELPING KEEP AZ SCOUTING STRONG in the PILLAR OF AMERICANISM. We have over 6,000 youth who benefit from your kind offerings.
Gary A Vaughan
Eugene C Yount Post 145
Department of Arizona | Scouting Chair
District 11 | Vice Commander | Americanism Chair
The American Legion
26972 N 102nd Lane
Peoria, AZ 85383