Post Membership Processing challenges are being encountered since the MyLegion conversion on April 1.
Many of you who work in processing or studying membership, have already seen the problems that we all have at hand. We have been waiting until today to see if good things would happen.
I’m about at my wits end today. I’ll be back tomorrow with fresh wits.
The IT Team at National is working on the problem(s) using patches from the software developers.
Many of us at Department offices have been patiently waiting, rather than filling up the phone lines.
Some of you have been able to register and function to levels even beyond what we can do at Headquarters. We look into the same database that you do. Without access/functionality we are simply sitting in a pause.
Manual processing the membership that comes in via snail mail, fewer and fewer every day, we can only get it to the point where we need our computer system connections to MyLegion and the new Prodigy software interface.
We thank those of you Post leaders who have the same patience for us during an incredibly trying time. We thank those of you without patience, to continue to email in examples of the problems that you are seeing. Please send them directly to ajuarez.
Vice Commanders and District Commanders are all delayed from access as well.
I would also like to hear about those who are successfully processing direct Online Post Renewals just like before the conversion.
Angel Juarez
State Adjutant
Arizona American Legion
(602) 264-7706 Fax (602) 264-0029
"Ora et labora et lege; Deus adest sine mora”. (Pray and work and read, God is there without delay)
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