Widest dissemination please.
I’m pleased to announce that we now have the opportunity to pass along to our Post Service Officers and any other Veterans who may be interested the Mental Health First Aid class, this class is a one day, about 6 hours, online class which will give those taking it a 3 year certification and this ties in with the Peer Support class, which I am working with another agency to get us more seats to be able to get more interested parties into. We are putting together a class list that will enable those who may wish to also get into the Mental Health field and the above 2 classes are part of this curriculum.
If you have someone interested in taking these classes, or others we are working on getting established such as the ASIST Suicide Prevention, Please have them send an email to John Anderson at redlegcannon including name,contact number and email address.Thank you,
John Anderson
Founder/Director Arizona Post Service Officers