Welcome Message from 2024 SAL Detachment Commander Chris Balsley

Hello fellow Detachment members!!!
It is an honor to be elected Detachment Commander for the 2023-2024 year! I want to thank everyone that supported me along the campaign journey, and I look forward to working with everyone over the next year. We had a very good weekend at the El Conquistador in Oro Valley for the 2023 Convention. I want to thank PDC Noah McMullen for a job well done last year and we look forward to carrying on the tasks at hand.
I would also like to congratulate the other officer that were elected during this convention. Please join me in welcoming your Vice Commander’s for 2023-2024, Chas Bird (109) Area A, David Alfaro (62) Area B, Jeremy Davalos (140) Area C, Ryan Harris (52) Chaplain, Alternate NEC Dan Ashley (91) and NEC Joe Roberts (36). We have a lot of work to do this year, and these are the gentlemen you have elected to lead the charge. The Detachment had 281 members attend this Convention and we were able to collect $43,332.00 for Sons of the American Legion Charities during the Convention. Great job to all the squadron’s that were able to make these donations possible.
New Membership cards have been distributed to all Squadron’s that have turned in their SDR (Squadron Data Report), CSR (Consolidated Squadron report) and the SORF (Squadron Officer Report Form). If you do not have your squadron membership cards, please contact your Vice Commander in your area to find out what information is missing.
The Organizational meeting will be held July 8th at Post 36 in Tucson this year, which will place all the members into their committees for the next year. If you have an interest in joining a committee, please contact me with any questions regarding the committees that are still available.
Please contact the Adjutant for scheduling to any function that you would like the Detachment of Arizona to support. Here is a link to make things as easy as possible. It is a first come, first serve and availability of your Officers to attend. We would like to make all events successful and that only works if we are aware. With this form you can make it a custom invitation to each event. Request A Commander (Event or Meeting) (cognitoforms.com)
There is a “NEW” Detachment Adjutant email, please use saladjutant@azlegion.org for ALL communication with the Detachment Adjutants. Please update your email contacts with this email address. The old email will be monitored but please remember to send everything to the new email.
For God and Country,
Chris Balsley
Detachment Commander
SAL Detachment of Arizona