Vendor’s Product / Food Booth & sPace aPPlication
Dear NAMJAM® Vendors and Supporters,
We want to invite and welcome you to our 33rd Annual NAMJAM®Concert and Celebration. This years’ event is being held on October23,2021from10 am to 6 pm at Reid Park Bandshell located at 900 S Randolph Way, Tucson, AZ 85716. The set-up of all equipment, displays and products can commence Friday, October 22. It is important that all set-up’s be completed by 9 am October 23. Setting up after the event begins (with the exception of small hand carry items) is not acceptable.
Be advised that all FOOD VENDORS will be required to obtain a Health Permit from the County Health Department. For more information please call 740-2760. In addition, all Food Vendors that are cooking or heating that produces grease laden vapors or utilizes open flames are required to have an approved and up-to- date tagged Class K fire extinguisher in their assigned booth area and readily accessible. For all other cooking operations, a 2-A:10BC extinguisher is the minimum requirement. Park requires 2’x2’ squares under all tires.
“BE ADVISED, THE FIRE AND HEALTH DEPARTMENTS WILL INSPECT YOU!!” For additional information, please read the Festival and Civic Event handout and the guidelines for temporary food service provided with this application.
All Booths / Area Spaces must be paid for — NO LATER THAN October 2, 2021 to ensure availability and confirm your concession stand or space.
Please mail payment payable to: VVA 106, PO Box 40903, Tucson AZ 85717-0903, Memo – NAMJAM®.After we receive your payment and this signed application, we will place you or your group on our list of vendors for NAMJAM®.Vendors who are selling food or refreshments MUST have a Pima County health certificate.
See you at NAMJAM® 2021 and thank you for your support in making this a great patriotic event in the city of Tucson!
The Vietnam Veterans of America is a non-profit organization, Chapter 106 FID # 52-1389485, Group Exemption # 3202 for tax-deductible contributions.
For further information regarding space rental or any other questions about NAMJAM®,please do not hesitate in contacting us at your earliest convenience. We Thank You!
Jim Barnhart NAMJAM®Director520-404-2040