Greetings fellow Legionnaires,
I am extremely excited to introduce this new feature to you. The reason. We are all part of a team that is dedicated to bettering the lives of others through the programs that so many of us, and those before us have poured their lives into. To make our programs successful we all must come together and share information relevant to those who may need the information. Many either benefit directly from our cause or it could simply be to better inform those who are focused on volunteering for our cause. The solution. Whatever it is for you, in the interest of sharing our news to more people, today I installed a program into the webserver that displays new sharing buttons in three areas of the webpage. Please note that they will be different on your devices based on you being on a computer versus your mobile phone. The reason, for example is that Snapchat is used on a mobile phone but not a PC. Some areas on a PC may still show mobile sharing.

This is a floating share bar that will follow you as you scroll up and down an article.

This is the sharing bar that will be below all articles.

These sharing buttons will appear on every image we post.

This photo points out the “More” button at the end.

There is an extensive list of options to suit other areas you may be sharing information to as shown here.

All users are able to find and access our Facebook Group or Twitter once they have shared the content by clicking the appropriate link.
In closing, this will only be successful if we all use it. When you see articles that you know would interest a friend or fellow Legionnaire, dont hesitate to share it. The more we share, the more platforms we will reach, and the more users will know about our cause. Along the way, if you identify an issue or concern as we integrate this vital software into our web server, email the webmaster by using the button below.
For God and Country,
Frank Hirrill
Senior Webmaster & Information Technology Advisor
American Legion, Department of Arizona