Hotel contact information in the Benson, AZ in case you may need it.
Quality Inn = I10 and exit 304 520-586-7035
Comfort Inn – i10 and hwy 90 exit 302 520-586-1370
Motel 6 – i10 and hwy 90 exit 302 520-586-0066
Copper Inn – i10 and exit 304 520-586-1530
Sahara Motel- Hwy 80 exit 303 520-586-3611
Quarter Horse – 110 and exit 303 520-586-3371
2023 Department Oratorical Program Flier
Please scroll through this page, which offers a lot of information about the program and what you need to know to be involved.
Welcome letter from the Chairman:
Assigned Topics:
If you choose to allow photos of your child to be released on our webpage, social media, or other official publications, please complete this form and email it to the Chairman at the email address listed below.
For questions or concerns please reach the Department Oratorical Program Chairman.
Steve Chavez (P-45)
Cell: 928-386-0840