KPNX-PHX (NBC) – Phoenix, AZ Saturday Today in AZ |
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KPNX 07/25/2020 07:14:33 AM: …with all the wet weather we saw, it’ll be another beautiful day but of course, hot in the peak hours of the day once again. >> it’s that time of year, back to school prep, they are already underway and while heading back to school will look different this year because of the covid-19 pandemic, the need for supplies is still the same. that’s why the eighth annual phoenix tools for schools event is happening today. erika stapleton joins us live once again with more on that healthy line of folks lining up this morning. >> good morning and happy indeed, when we first came on this morning, the lines had not started moving, the event started at 7:00 this morning and we have seen car after car of happy people going by, you can see them waving), this is the tools for school backpack drive, and i know that school will look different this year with covid-19 but that doesn’t mean people still don’t need supplies. i want to bring in travis with the american legion, you outgrew the old event? >> we were going to have it at the post but again we have thousands of backpacks to give away. along with the foundation so we wanted to use this venue to do this safely. we loaded up the backpacks with school supplies and snacks and sent them on their way. >> it looks like the light is continuing to sneak around over that way where you can pick up the backpacks, we’ve seen kid after kid waving and smiling, what do you think this means for the kiddos who are getting a new backpack getting ready for the new school year? >> it’s always exciting to see the kids come, now we have an opportunity to see the kids in the car, it’s good to see. they are excited for the new school year, that is a good thing. >> you said you have thousands of backpacks to give away. i know we had people out here as early as 5:00 this morning but what should people know if they want to come out and they are seeing this right now? >> all you have to do is come out, how many backpacks you need and how many are in your car, we will give you the right amount of backpacks. >> it’s good to see people taking advantage of this great cause out here. so many happy kids out here. i know it’s tough to get out early sometimes but we’ve seen all smiles this morning. more coming up in just a little bit. … |