March 13, 2025

The Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (JROTC)

Program Committee Overview

  1. Background. The JROTC Program Committee is a recent addition to the array of formally established Committees which oversee the various Youth Programs of The American Legion (TAL) Department of Arizona. At the high school level, JROTC is an elective course with a progressively structured curriculum designed to offer formal instruction in a variety of subjects such as Basic First Aid, Character Development, Communication Skills, Constitutional Government, Financial Planning, Health and Fitness, Leadership Fundamentals, Military Drill and Ceremony, Rights and Responsibilities of Citizenship, to name a few. The stated mission of JROTC is “To motivate young people to be better citizens.” JROTC programs may be sponsored by any of the U.S. Armed Forces (except U.S. Coast Guard) Service Departments, and governed by appropriate military regulations as well as respective school board policies.


  1. Purpose. The purpose of the JROTC Program Committee is to help establish, promote and develop enduring, mutually supportive and equally beneficial relationships between American Legion organizations and JROTC units.


  1. Goals and Objectives for School Year 2016-2017.

Goals for this Committee are as follows:

+ identify and align American Legion Posts with JROTC units within reasonable geographic proximity not later than the beginning of the 3rd academic quarter

+ ensure that all JROTC Instructors are invited to become members of TAL by the end of the first academic semester

+ facilitate optimum participation of JROTC Cadets in all Legion Youth Programs by the end of the school year or during summer months, as appropriate.

Objectives include:

+ ensure that each Legion District Commander encourages Post-JROTC affiliation and/or sponsorship with Legion organizations within his jurisdiction

     + identify, promote and coordinate appropriate service opportunities for JROTC Cadets to participate in and support Legion activities, as appropriate, such as fund-raising events and community work projects

+ ensure formal recognition of accomplishments involving JROTC Cadets that reflect favorable credit on JROTC and TAL

+ explore opportunities for positive and favorable publicity of Legion activities which involve JROTC Cadets.

 Organization and Responsibilities.

  1. The JROTC Program Committee Chairman is appointed by TAL Commander, Department of Arizona, and is responsible for the effective utilization of Legion resources as well as optimum involvement of JROTC Cadets and Legion members in order to achieve the Committee purpose and goals. The Chairman will ensure compliance with the Department’s Travel Reimbursement Policy, and timely submission of accurate Expense Vouchers to the Department Adjutant.
  2. When possible, the JROTC Committee will work closely with other American Legion Committees to advance Legion purposes, ideals and values.
  3. Membership on the JROTC Committee is voluntary, and remains open to interested Legionnaires. There is no limit to the number of members who may serve on this Committee.
  4. Committee members are asked to be actively engaged in fostering strong and wholesome rapport with JROTC Instructors and Cadets/students as well as respective school personnel.
  5. Committee members are strongly encouraged to seek opportunities to avail themselves as classroom guest speakers for presentations of subject areas related to Americanism such as Flag Etiquette and U.S. Constitution. Members should also ask other Legionnaires to do likewise.
  6. Committee members are invited to share input that will potentially improve organizational effectiveness and function of this Committee as measured by increased youth involvement and Legion membership.

Legionnaires who are current Committee members:

Ken King (Commander, District 11)

Tom McClain (Chairman, Junior Shooting Sports Program [JSSP] Committee)

Stan Evanko, Chairman

Interested Legionnaires not on this Committee are encouraged to forward their comments, questions or concerns to Stan Evanko, JROTC Committee Chairman, in person or via email at:

[email protected].