The American Legion family of organizations is among those identified as an “essential” operation in Arizona. We are both non-profit and built to serve the social needs and welfare of our community, especially our Veterans.
Watch for exciting news about how one percent, (1%) of each of our dues in Arizona are about to be donated to help Veterans and their families through these trying times.
Please renew today. We are continuing in service to our communities.
Pass this along to a Veteran that you know that hasn’t joined yet.
Remember, Congress now recognizes that we have been a Nation at war since
December 7, 1941 and all honorable Active service is therefore now eligible to join
and be a part of this great organization. www.legion.org/join
For this matter, please pass this along to anyone as they may know a Veteran that you do not.
Hundreds have renewed or joined since last week and we hope that you will as well.
Find a local Post and inquire by phone whether they need help NOW while adhering to CDC Guidelines and the local emergency regulations. www.legion.org/find a post
If your nearest Post is shut down for its needs, you can still renew/join online with the links
provided; www.legion.org/renew or www.legion.org/join.
You can also find out more about The American Legion by direct browsing at www.legion.org
or these Arizona links below and for National impact reporting, please see the attached impact report for March 2020. Thanks, Angel #spreadjoynotgerms