ABSOLUTELY no American Legion Officer or member in Arizona, is in the practice of requesting gift cards to assist with ANYTHING they are dealing with in our Service to this community.
If a member among us needs our help so urgently, I would bet that they would call directly to ask for help.
That is how I would do it.
On that note, there are some among us who are being called on their phones by someone pretending to be a distant relative who needs money wired for an emergency.
Please help watch out for each other with this reminder that real problems USUALLY come with news from multiple trusted sources, not just some “grainy” voice on the line asking for help.
Another ploy we are seeing is someone’s cell number being lifted from within an unsecure email or even our directory.
Some techno-savvy thieves know how to “spoof” that number and text fake requests as well.
Your caution as a targeted person is the best LAST line of defense.
The second-to-last line is US, reminding each other that we would surely protect EACH OTHER.
The line to keep the scammers at, is way before it gets to these last two lines of defense.