Contact: John Raughter, Media Relations
jraughter or 317-630-1350
The American Legion to Render Assistance to Tornado Areas
(INDIANAPOLIS—December 14, 2021) – American Legion National Commander Paul E. Dillard issued the following statement concerning last week’s outbreak of tornadoes that impacted eight states:
“Christmas is normally a season of joy for millions of Americans. This year, however, it is a time of heartbreak and tragedy for towns across the Midwest that have been devastated by these horrific tornadoes. American Legion posts and departments from around the world are already rendering assistance to impacted areas. It is times like these that we truly appreciate the efforts of our first responders, who continue rescue and recovery operations. Post 26 in Mayfield, Ky., is working on clean-up efforts and food distribution. In addition to our heartfelt prayers, The American Legion has national programs that can also help. Please visit www.legion.org to see how The American Legion can assist. We are also accepting donations that can be used for American Legion Family members affected in declared disaster areas.”
About The American Legion
The American Legion , the nation’s largest veterans organization, is dedicated to the motto of “Veterans Strengthening America.” Chartered by Congress in 1919, The American Legion is committed to mentoring youth and sponsoring wholesome community programs, advocating patriotism and honor, promoting a strong national security and continued devotion to servicemembers and veterans. Nearly 2 million members in more than 12,600 posts across the nation and regions overseas serve their communities with a devotion to mutual helpfulness.
VETERANS STRENGTHENING AMERICA John Raughter | Media Relations a: 700 N. Pennsylvania St., Indianapolis, IN 46204 e: jraughter | w: www.legion.org
t: 317-630-1350
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