In an effort for the Department to properly administer the flow of information over Facebook, it has become necessary for certain changes to be made.
All Area and District “groups” will also be administered by the Department Webmaster under a single login.
Individuals who administer the Department Page will now be assigned the role of “Editor”. To Facebook, the function you use most will still be obtained through this role. The term Administrator in its compacity does not need to be given outside of one single account. The ownership of our Facebook Page and Groups is now secured to the Department of Arizona. There is now a much lower risk of our pages to be tampered by a hacker/hijacker.
By navigating to the Department “Page” a user can now find all “Groups” under the Group tab. There are now groups linked to the Department Page for all Area’s and District’s in our Department.
Once the respective individuals navigate to and join these groups the roles will be assigned by the webmaster. Should you need to request access to a group, the request should be passed through the Area Vice Commander/Adjutant or District Commander/Adjutant as appropriate.
The groups are located here:
The American Legion Department of Arizona-Area “A”
The American Legion Department of Arizona-Area “B”
The American Legion Department of Arizona-Area “C”
American Legion, District 2 (Area A, Dept of AZ) www.facebook.com/groups/azlegiondistrict2/
American Legion, District 3 (Area A, Dept of AZ) www.facebook.com/groups/azlegiondistrict3/
American Legion, District 4 (Area A, Dept of AZ) www.facebook.com/groups/azlegiondistrict4/
American Legion, District 5 (Area A, Dept of AZ) www.facebook.com/groups/azlegiondistrict5/
American Legion, District 1 (Area B, Dept of AZ) www.facebook.com/groups/azlegiondistrict1/
American Legion, District 11 (Area B, Dept of AZ) www.facebook.com/groups/azlegiondistrict11/
American Legion, District 12 (Area B, Dept of AZ) www.facebook.com/groups/azlegiondistrict12/
American Legion, District 6 (Area C, Dept of AZ) www.facebook.com/groups/azlegiondistrict6/
American Legion, District 7 (Area C, Dept of AZ) www.facebook.com/groups/azlegiondistrict7/
American Legion, District 8 (Area C, Dept of AZ) www.facebook.com/groups/azlegiondistrict8/
Utilizing this method, the Department will be able to share information from the Department Page down to each of these levels. This will formalize and increase the flow of information while creating uniformity within the Department.
The account labeled “Franklin D’Olier” is the name of the first National Commander of the American Legion. Its purpose is to hold the administrative role for the Department Page and will be an admin of all Area and District groups. These images show you the account so that you receive trusted verification of this accounts role in the department. The account is attached to the @azlegion.org Microsoft Exchange Server and will be retained as individuals come and go. This gives the Department the assurance that no-one will be able to take over the page or a group if managed by a Department account. This account will retain admin roles for all groups within Department.
The url for this account is and will always be:
As you can see the account is secured to our trusted domain.
For any questions or concerns please contact the webmaster at webmaster@azlegion.org
Frank Hirrill
American Legion, Department of Arizona