The American Legion Department of Arizona is grateful today for the vote by the Arizona State Senate to approve the override of the “AEL,” ensuring that the rest of the school year will receive funding previously voted in by the Arizona Legislature last year.
We especially want to thank both Republican and Democrat State Senate members. Last week, the Arizona State House also voted the override of the AEL, and stated in House Concurrent Resolution 2039. Both houses voted with more than two-thirds of their members approving the measure.
Thank you to all of our Legionnaires who called, emailed and supported this effort to maintain previously approved public school funding. This funding supports an uninterrupted school year, in person learning, with the direction of great Arizona teachers – some of those teachers are veterans and Legionnaires.
A special thanks to our Department State Legislative Affairs Committee and its members for the hard work to help with this issue and assist in making the voice of The American Legion heard in the democracy of our republic.
For God and Country,
Ben Headen
Department Commander
This message is in regards to my previous message delivered on 18 February 2022.
For Immediate Release, From Your Department Commander Ben Headen