RECURRING REMINDER: No American Legion Officer in Arizona is authorized to request your help with financial matters.
Not gift cards, not “don’t call me I’m in a meeting”, no call me back at this number, no way, no how, it is NOT an allowed way to ask for help in our Organization.
Don’t respond to these fake emails. If you look closely at the email address you can see that it is NOT from the actual person claiming to be someone that you know.
COMMANDERS: please remind your members and those in the other sub organizations attached to your Post.
If our folks stop responding, maybe they’ll stop trying. I am disturbed by the fact that these people almost instantly hear about our new officers. Is it someone in our world that is preying upon us?
See below, the latest example!
“Hello, Are you less busy at the moment? I got a request for you to manage discreetly. I will be going into a meeting shortly, please no calls so kindly respond back via email.
For God and country
Steve sperl
Department of Arizona”