Greeting Arizona Legionnaires!
Thank you to Department Commander Steve Sperl for appointing me to chair the Trophies and Awards committee. It’s definitely a learning process, but my predecessors have been more than helpful to say the least!
Now that we all survived the holiday season (hopefully!), it’s time to gear up for the next big celebration-Department Convention, to be held 20-23- June at the Hilton El Conquistador in Oro Valley, hosted by Post 132. This is when we come together to report on what we’ve accomplished this last year, and brag about those who have gone above and beyond in service to our communities, state and nation.
There are many awards given out annually, the majority of which come from the membership report (High Post/District/Area, etc.) and also from your CPR (National recognition-if they don’t know what we do they won’t recognize it!!)
5 awards are judged and awarded by Department – Outstanding History Book (Post and District), Outstanding Color Guard, Outstanding Honor Guard, Legionnaire of the Year, and the Richard H. Bieri Memorial Cooperation Trophy. These awards all require submission forms for consideration; information can be found at azlegion.org/awards-and-trophies (or clicking on the link below in this article) and aladeptaz.org (Bieri award).
ALL submissions MUST be received via upload to Department no later than close of business on 1 June. Any submission which is incomplete or does not follow the prescribed format will not be considered.
I look forward to seeing you at the Department Convention and helping celebrate your accomplishments! Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.