March 24, 2025

Awards & Trophies

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Do we do enough to recognize the hard work being put into our organization? The countless hours resulting in blood, sweat and tears that so many have given to make our organization who and what we are?

Currently, there are 11 Department awards and 6 National awards. In many cases, Posts can compete for awards simply by completing their Consolidated Post Report on time.  Some Department awards that require additional action by the Post Commander are broken down by membership totals, creating fair competition. 

Please take the time to review the attached documents.  Please note that these are not all the awards available The Legionnaire of the Year Award and Outstanding (Post/District) History Book Award have been singled out, because in the past, they generated more questions.

For more information or assistance in participating in this program, please email the Trophy and Award Committee at: [email protected].

Other Useful Forms Can Be Downloaded From This List

  1. Legionnaire of the Year Nomination Forms
  2. History Book Contest
  3. Outstanding Post Honor Guard
  4. Outstanding Post Color Guard
  5. Color Guard/ Honor Guard Tracking Sheet (Required)
  6. Consolidated Post Report Item Topics (A Suggested Guide)

For questions or concerns, please direct them to the Awards Committee, and when absolutely necessary, the Department Headquarters using these links: