March 11, 2025

Information for American Legion Posts

Boys State Triple Logo

The American Legion Posts play a critical role in ensuring the success of The American Legion Arizona Boys State.  The staff of Arizona Boys State would like to thank the Posts for contributing so much of their time, money, and other resources to Boys State over the decades. 

There are many ways that Posts can get involved: 

Actively recruit students from local high schools.  Posts may send representatives to one or more local high schools to promote Arizona Boys State and select qualified students to attend the program.  Posts that choose to become actively involved in recruiting for the 2025 program will be provided with a resource packet including promotional materials, talking points, answers to frequently asked questions, and sample interview questions.  Posts can become actively involved in recruiting even if they do not have adequate funds to financially sponsor all students selected. For example, if your Post wishes to interview students, but is not able to financially sponsor all of the students your Post selects to attend Boys State, the Department and Boys State staff will help to identify other sources of funding for the student(s). 

Please note that if a high school is not covered by any Post, recruiting outreach for that school will be conducted by Boys State staff; for this reason, if your Post plans to actively recruit students from local high schools, it is essential that you complete the form below so that recruiting efforts are not duplicated. 

Sponsor one or more students.  Many Posts choose to financially sponsor one or more students from local high schools.  It costs the Boys State program approximately $650 to host each student; however, each student is only asked to pay a tuition fee of $225.  The student’s sponsoring Post would typically pay the remaining $425 per student.  Sponsorships may be paid online at this link or by check made payable to Arizona Boys State and mailed to Department headquarters (please write the sponsored student’s name on the memo line).    

Make a general donation to Boys State.  Posts and Members may make general donations to Boys State without tying these funds to particular students.  These donations are used to cover general program expenses, including students who do not have a Post sponsor.  General donations may be made online at this link or by check made payable to Arizona Boys State and mailed to Department headquarters.  Please note that Boys State’s 501(c)(3) status is pending, and individual donations may not be tax deductible. 

Posts are encouraged to start discussions ASAP regarding your Post’s involvement with Boys State.  Once your Post has determined its desired level of involvement, please use this form to confirm your Post’s involvement in Arizona Boys State 2025 and update your contact information.  Once this form is submitted, a member of the Boys State staff will reach out to you soon.  If you indicate that your Post will be actively recruiting students from a local high school, your Post’s number will be placed next to the school name on the list of participating high schools on the Arizona Boys State website.  (Your individual contact information will not be listed.) 

Post Information

The American Legion Posts support the Boys State program in a variety of ways.  Please select the way(s) in which your Post will commit to supporting Boys State 2025.