From a recent local request, approved for distribution. While specific here, you may find information from your local High School JROTC Program for making a similar donation in your area. Thank you for all that you do for Arizona youth. Some here, may one day raise their right hand to serve our great Nation. –Department Adjutant
Fellow Patriots,
I am reaching out to local patriotic organizations in order to communicate an opportunity that benefits both your members and local JROTC programs. The Arizona Tax Credit Program allows any Arizona taxpayer to donate up to $400 to a school of their choice in support of extracurricular programs and get their entire donation back in the form of a tax credit. Although I gladly welcome all donations, there are other JROTC programs in the area that would welcome donations as well.
By spreading this message via e-mail, newsletters, flyers, and even mentioning at your meetings you can help your members earn a dollar for dollar credit on their Arizona state taxes, and a deduction on their Federal taxes while at the same time assisting JROTC organizations who are mostly funded by fundraising all year long.
The Arizona Tax Credit Program (A.R.S. 43-1089.01) allows any Arizona taxpayer to donate up to $400* to a school of their choice in support of extracurricular programs and get their entire donation back in the form of a tax credit.
Taxpayers who donate by April 15 can choose which calendar year they want to apply the credits. For example, a donation can be applied to either 2017 or 2018. *Individuals and couples filing jointly may take advantage of this tax credit. A maximum of $200 can be deducted per individual tax return; couples filing a joint return may deduct a maximum of $400.
Two options for the Tempe Union JROTC program are to mail in the donation, or an easier option is to donate online.
- Mail-in donation. Complete the attached flyer that is for the Tempe Union High School District JROTC. The check and form can be mailed in and a receipt will be mailed back. Please address to “JROTC” and I will personally deposit and mail back your receipt. Checks must have a phone number and be made out to JROTC. (Please be advised that our campus will be closed for 22 DEC 2017 to 8 JAN 2018, so if you mail in a check it will not be until the week that we return until it gets deposited and a receipt mailed back).
Marcos de Niza High School
6000 S. Lakeshore Dr.
Tempe, AZ 85283
- Online donations
Use this link for a donation to Tempe ; https://az-tempeunion.intouchreceipting.com/
Create an account
Select “Items at all schools” then select “high school” then last “Marcos de Niza High School”, select “Tax Credit Donations”
Scroll down to “ROTC” and enter donation amount and click “buy”, then checkout. You will be provided a receipt immediately.
Please contact me with any questions via e-mail and thank you for your support!!!!
MAJ (RET) Robert Fore Senior Army Instructor, JROTC Marcos de Niza High School Tempe, AZ O: 480.730.7685