Many candidates have announced that they will run for Department Commander and other Department and National level positions. Selection of the next leading candidate for Department Commander has already began. Candidates are already attending General Membership Meetings and District Meetings to voice their views to the members who cast their vote for them.
Did you know that each year at the Conference and Convention candidates for Department Leadership positions are normally announced or endorsed?
Each year the post’s around the state vote for these candidates at Convention.
The candidates campaign and attend your general membership meetings, your district meetings, etc.
During the pandemic the Department created a Facebook page that better allows these candidates to reach the members; should there be a reason why they are unable to engage you locally.
If you have Facebook, please consider joining this group so that these candidates can better engage you on a more frequent basis.
Candidates for Department Leadership Facebook Group (Click Here)
Scan this QR code as well to reach this page.